Enabling Youths To Know God

Youth Discipleship Groups

Youth Discipleship Groups focus on the study of God’s Word, and seek to enable youths to know God, know themselves, and prepare for leadership and service in the church. It is guided by Colossians 1:28— “(Christ) we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

YDG welcome students from secondary school to those in polytechnics and universities, and is held on Sundays from 10am to 11am. Lessons are facilitated by shepherds and teachers.

Other than Bible study, YDG include other activities such as games, video screenings and discussions. This allows for bonding across levels.

All youths are welcome. For more information, please contact Ivan Feng at 9667-7275.

Youth fellowship
Growing In Our Understanding Of Christ

Youth Fellowship

We are a bunch of youths who come together each week to fellowship, grow in our understanding of Christ, and to encourage and build one another up emotionally and spiritually.

Throughout the year, we organize workshops, games, bible studies, messages by guest speakers, and outings to befriend those in our community. There are also special events on our calendar each year, like our annual year-end camp in December, as well as youth retreats during the school holidays.

If you’re a youth who is new to us, please feel free to join us on Saturdays, 4.00pm - 6.00pm at Chapel 1!

We welcome you to our community where meaningful and lasting friendships are built. If you’re a parent interested to bring your child to our fellowship, don’t hesitate to give us a call as well. We look forward to seeing you!

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